Friday, January 8, 2010

What does an "xraycrystallographer" do?

I couldn't resist this one.  It was a cold winter's night with nothing worth while on TV so I spent some time playing with some of my old crystallography programs and learning a bit more about Photoshop.  The result is today's image which consists of a panorama in the background with me man-handling a large molecule.  And all my colleagues thought that I only worked with small molecules! For those who don't get the connection, x-ray crystallography is the field where one determines the structure of molecules by subjecting a crystal of the material to x-rays and interpreting the resulting scattering pattern (at least I think that is how I did it).  I actually did determine the structure of the molecule I am holding in the photo (shown enlarged for detail).  I did manage to get some "fair" snowflake pictures yesterday but I'm hoping for better (it is still snowing here).

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