Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Going to the Birds

I would guess that I have spent over $200 for bird seed already this winter (let's be honest: $50 for birds; $150 for the squirrels).  The creatures do keep me entertained so I guess for a cost per time basis it's cheaper than going to movies (and you don't have to drive across town).  We get a visit from our friendly neighborhood Pileated Woodpecker almost every day although he (she?) usually prefers the suet in the backyard.  This photo (taken through the glass) caught him (her) checking out the bird feeder in the front. I think the best buy is to get the large chunks of suet from the butcher (it's cheap and all the woodpecker love it).  The main activity besides watching the critters and filling the feeders is coming up with new ways to discourage the squirrels.  They are devilishly clever.

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