It's snowing again today so maybe I can get some more snowflake pictures. Perhaps my favorite microscope for looking at things is he heavily modified Nikon "biomicroscope" or "slit lamp" that I bought at surplus years ago. I actually bought the pallet with several biomicroscopes on it because one of them had a Nikon camera body that attached to it. The camera body itself didn't work, but my Nikon D80 fits on the standard twist fitting on the microscope. Not only is it easy to focus by simply moving the "joystick" in front, it is also possible to rotate the camera about the sample axis (this was so the opthamologist could move the camera easly to get images of your eye). One of my posts last year was of a "unknown bug" where I took two photos about 12 degrees apart. It was easy to correct the images go get a matched stereo pair using Masuji Suto's program
StereoPhoto Maker.

I like taking pictures of plants and flowers so I pinched off a small twig of thyme from my indoor garden for todays photo. It is interesting that most leaves either have "hair" or "thorns". As you can the thyme leaves certainly fall into the latter category.
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