Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Don't share this with anyone!

I started to post this image in my Thanksgiving preview last week, but retracted it to be safe.  There is a very long and involved (and probably true) story as to how Grandma Anna Huffman obtained this VERY SECRET recipe.  She actually was able to make the "Do-nuts" and I remember loving them (probably in the late 1940's to early 1950's). The few times we have tried to make them in recent years have failed miserably.
The reason I decided not to post this before our annual Thanksgiving gathering was the fact that the Huffman clan might have thrown me in the river (or worse).  I figure it is safe to reveal now since we won't get together until next July and by then they won't remember I did this.  If anyone tries to make them, let me know if you are successful!  (hint--lard, only lard--no healthy stuff allowed)

PS  If you want the story, you will have to ask someone who has a better memory than mine (it involved a flood)..

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