Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Really big photos of little things

One web site I like is the GigaPan site. It has some fantastic images for those who like to see the "big picture" I just finished photographing the "forever stamp" currently in use by the USPS.  This thumbnail (1000 x 1150 pixels) is reduced from the full image size  of 11,935 x 13,720 pixels!  The full image was generated using the Photo shop photo merge routines using 60 images taken with my Nikon FS-2 bioscope and my D80.  To really appreciate the resolution, look at the following!
You can learn all about the GigaPan project and see some other fantastic images at their site:   Click here to see this picture using the GigaPan system (you can see it in full screen mode).  There is also a GigaPan view of a Lincoln commemorative stamp--just search for "postage stamp"

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